
Acupressure Points, Jimmy, Thai Massagers, Hand and foot Massager Sticks in PURE SHISHAM WOOD

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.


Master arts Presents Health Tool which is made by Artisans of India.It is made from Sheesam Wood and Ideal Hand Massage and Keep Away Body Stress . This massager relax you in a great way and it improves blood circulation in the whole body. It is light weight and easy to carry. This handcrafted and handmade piece is a finely carved sculpture that has a practical use. The depth, range and inspirational intricacy of this legacy stems from its socio-economic ethos, with generations of artisans pursuing these crafts. Purpose of using these foot massager is to improve blood circulation and body stress remover


Master arts Presents Health Tool which is made by Artisans of India.It is made from Sheesam Wood and Ideal Hand Massage and Keep Away Body Stress . This massager relax you in a great way and it improves blood circulation in the whole body. It is light weight and easy to carry. This handcrafted and handmade piece is a finely carved sculpture that has a practical use. The depth, range and inspirational intricacy of this legacy stems from its socio-economic ethos, with generations of artisans pursuing these crafts. Purpose of using these foot massager is to improve blood circulation and body stress remover