N.D.D.Y. (A Complete Course of Naturopathy Massage and Yoga)




N.D.D.Y. (Complete Corse of Naturopathy, Massage and Yoga)

Yoga is a form of mysticism that developed on the Indian subcontinent in the Hindu cultural context. Its origin is impossible to trace, because it dates back to before recorded history. Yoga comes in many forms specifically designed to suit different types of people. As a result, some forms of yoga have gained significant popularity outside India, particularly in the West during the past century.

Massage :
Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy and is a system of stroking, pressing and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body.Massage does much more than create a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissues(the muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone.Although it largely affects those muscles just under the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the organs themselves. Massage also stimulates blood circulation and assists the lymphatic system (which runs parallel to the circulatory system), improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.
Purposes of Massage Therapy

1. Deep relaxation and stress reduction
2. Relief of muscle tension and stiffness
3. Reduced muscle spasm and tension
4. Greater joint flexibility and range of motion
5. Increased ease and efficiency of movement
6. Promotes deeper and easier breathing
7. Better circulation of both blood and lymph fluids
8. Reduced blood pressure
9. Healthier, better nourished skin
10. Improved posture
11. Faster healing time from pulled muscles and strained ligaments
12. Reduced spasm, pain and swelling
13. Reduced formation of scar tissue
14. Strengthened immune system and disease prevention
15. Relaxed state of alertness
16. Reduced mental stress; a calmer mind
17. Greater ability to monitor stress signals and respond appropriately
18. Increased capacity for clearer thinking
19. Satisfying the need for caring and nurturing touch
20. Feeling of well being
21. Greater ease of emotional expression
22. Enhanced self-image
23. Reduced level of anxiety
24. Increased awareness of the mind-body connection
25. A sense of being unified and in harmony



NAME OF COURSE : N.D.D.Y. (Complete Corse of Naturopathy, Massage and Yoga)

QUALIFICATIONS : Senior Secondary or Practical experience.

AGE : Minimum 21years.

FEES : Rs. 15000 (For Indian) & $ 300 (For foreign candidate). Local training charges will be extra.

REGULAR COURSE : At Jodhpur Institute or authorized centers.

DURATION : 3 Months.

BY CORRESPONDENCE : You can do this course at home. Our institute will send you the literature & after completing the course, one test will be conducted. Question paper along with an answer sheet will be sent to you & you will have to deposit the answer sheet for getting your certificate.

BY INTERNET : You can do this course by internet also. We can provide you the study material on your e-mail add & you can ask your doubts by e-mail.


1. This course can be done both in English & Hindi Medium.
2. Course can be done regular, by correspondence, by Internet or in camps.
3. Application Form with your one photograph, education certificate & experience certificate are to be attached with the form.
4. You will be given a certificate after completing this course.
5. Amount may be sent in advance by M.O., D.D. in favour of “AAROGYA MANDIR” payble at Jodhpur RAJASTHAN, (INDIA). You can pay cash in your city’s IDBI Bank in our Current Account in the favour of AAROGYA MANDIR in Account No.: 058102000051253.
You can pay cash in your city’s Bank of Baroda in our Account in the favour of Ravikant Rankawat in Account No.: 01360100020347.
6. Boarding & Lodging facility will not be provided.
7. If you are interested in Practical classes (for internet & Correspondence) the facility is provided at our Jodhpur center for three days on extra fees rupees 500 (For Indian) & $ 50 (For foreign candidate).
8. Charges for instruments, literature, charts and books will be extra.

Main features of this course :
a) You can treat patients at home with fees or can start your self-centre.
b) You can get job/service in any naturopathy hospital or alternative treatment therapy clinic.
c) It can help you in (Medical) Alternative business.
d) You can help your family as well as others by treating them free of cost.
e) World health organization of Geneva has approved this system.
f) You can get award, if you work excellent in this field.

1. Definition
2. Yoga Postures
3. Massage Techniques
4. Natural Remedies
5. Other alternative therapies

The payment should be made (In person or by courier/ Speed Post/ Registered Post) to the following address.
AAROGYA MANDIR, 315-316, Agarwal Tower, Sardarpura ‘B’ Road, Jodhpur-3, Rajasthan (INDIA)


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