D.A.T. (Diploma in Acupressure Therapy)






ACUPRESSURE : This is the most ancient and simplest Chinese system of curing various diseases caused mainly due to the imbalance of Yin (negative) and Yang (positive) forces in the body. The treatment is done by applying finger pressure at the acupoints through which the Yin-Yang forces are balanced . Acupressure is an ancient self-health technique that has been widely used throughout the orient for thousands of years and which has become popular all over the world the world for the last many years. The root of Acupressure is in the spirit … ‘the human spirit is endowed from heaven. The physical energy is endowed from the earth.’

The means whereby man is created, the means whereby disease occurs, the means whereby man is cured, the means whereby disease arises, the body reflex centres are the basis of all theory and treatment.The five elements, wood, fire, earth, metal, water, encompass all the phenomena of nature. It is a symbolism that applies itself equally to man.

There are 7200 nerve endings in each foot. Perhaps this fact, explains why we feel so much better when our feet are treated. Nerve endings in the feet have extensive interconnections with the spinal cord and brain and hence with all areas of the body. Surely the feet are a gold mine of opportunity to release tension and enhance health. Everyone who wants to understand the reflexes of the body should learn reflexology.


With this training, a person may easily move on and learn other forms of reflex work. The system of reflexology is safe, and extremely effective in many cases where other therapies have failed to bring results. Doing this course you will enhance your quest for a healthy life. We will dispel the mystery of this ancient science and art, explaining in clear and easy terms its origins, theory and practice.

Acupressure is nature’s health science built in our body. In acupressure therapy you have to apply pressure on certain points located on palms and soles. The pressure given on points stimulates all the organs of the body to prevent disease and to maintain good health. This therapy also enables us to diagnose and cure the disease permanently.

NAME OF COURSE : Diploma in acupressure therapy (D.A.T.)
QUALIFICATIONS : Minimum Higher Secondary or Practical experience in acupressure therapy.

AGE : Minimum 18 years.

FEES : Rs. 7500 (For India) & $ 200 (For Foreign). Local training charges will be extra.

REGULAR COURSE : At Jodhpur Institute or authorized centers.

DURATION : 3 Months.

BY CORRESPONDENCE : You can do it at home. Our institute will send you the literature & after completing the course, one test will be conducted. Question paper along with an answer sheet will be sent to you & you will have to deposit the answer sheet for getting your certificate.

BY INTERNET : You can do this course by internet also. We can provide you the study material on your e-mail address & you can ask your doubts by e-mail.

DURATION : 1 Month.

1. This course can be done both in English & Hindi Medium.
2. Course can be done regular, by correspondence, by Internet or in camps.
3. Application Form with your one photograph, education certificate & experience certificate are to be attached with the form.
4. You will be given a certificate after completing this course.
5. Amount may be sent in advance by M.O., D.D. in favour of “AAROGYA MANDIR” payble at Jodhpur RAJASTHAN, (INDIA). You can pay cash in your city’s IDBI Bank in our Current Account in the favour of AAROGYA MANDIR in Account No.: 058102000051253 .SWIFT CODE
You can pay cash in your city’s Bank of Baroda in our Account in the favour of Ravikant Rankawat in Account No.: 01360100020347.
6. Boarding & Lodging facility will not be provided.
7. If you are interested in Practical classes (for Internet & Correspondence) the facility is provided at our Jodhpur center for three days on extra fees rupees 500 (For India) & $ 50 (For foreign).
8. Charges for instruments, literature, charts and books will be charged extra if you wish to obtain them.

Main features of this course :
a) You can become therapist or can start your own-centre.
b) You can get job/ service in any naturopathy hospital or alternative treatment therapy clinic.
c) It can help you in (Medical) acupressure business.
d) You can help your family as well as others by treating them free of cost.
e) World health organization of Geneva has approved this system.
f) You can get an award, if your work is excellent in this field.

SYLLABUS : (Acupressure with Special Reference to Reflexology)
1. Introduction of human body.
2. Definition of Acupressure.
3. History of Acupressure.
4. Classification of Acupressure.
5. How does Acupressure works?6. Importance of Acupressure.
7. Diseases & treatment by acupressure.
8. Acupressure instruments & their uses.
9. Other alternative therapies– Magnetic, Pyramid, Sujok, food therapy.

The payment should be made (In person or by courier/ Speed Post/ Registered Post) to the following address.
AAROGYA MANDIR, 315-316, Agarwal Tower, Sardarpura ‘B’ Road, Jodhpur-3, Rajasthan (INDIA)