M.D. SUJOK (Magnetic Dimension in Su Jok)




Su Jok is considered as an advancement in the arena of acupuncture, this South Korean holistic therapy at its most basic involves acupressure. In fact so effective is Su Jok as an acupressure therapy that often the need for needles does not arise, as the health problem is taken care of by sirnply applying pressure to the corresponding points on either of the hands or the feet. The word SU in Korean means the hand and JOK means the feet. Thus the name itself speaks all about the therapy. Anybody who applies himself to learning the basics of Su Jok therapy would do so within a matter of minutes.

That is the beauty of this therapy. In understanding the anatomy of the human body as a whole, the hands and feet themselves represent a smaller, but nevertheless true, mirror image of the whole body. Within this view, the thumbs and large toes represent the head. Also, in addition to serving their normal functions as appendeges to the four limbs (legs and arms), the hands and feet are endowed with an exquisite “remote control” function which can cure diseases throughout the whole body.

A knowledge of the principles through hand and foot acupuncture will provide an impressive vehicle for personal and family health care.

QUALIFICATIONS : Senior Secondary or Practical experience.

AGE : Minimum 21 years.

FEES : Rs. 9500 (For Indian) & $ 200 (For foreign candidate). Local training charges will be extra.

REGULAR COURSE : at Jodhpur Institute or authorized centers.

DURATION : 3 Months.

BY CORRESPONDENCE : You can do this course at home. Our institute will send you the literature & after completing the course, one test will be conducted. Question paper along with an answer sheet will be sent to you & you will have to deposit the answer sheet for getting your certificate.

BY INTERNET : You can do this course by internet also. We can provide you the study material on your e-mail add & you can ask your doubts by e-mail.


1. This course can be done both in English & Hindi Medium.
2. Course can be done regular, by correspondence, by Internet or in camps.
3. Application Form with your one photograph, educational certificate & experience certificate are to be attached with the form.
4. You will receive a certificate after completion of this course.
5. Amount may be sent in advance by M.O., D.D. in favour of “AAROGYA MANDIR” payble at Jodhpur RAJASTHAN, (INDIA). You can pay cash in your city’s IDBI Bank in our Current Account in the favour of AAROGYA MANDIR in Account No.: 058102000051253.
You can pay cash in your city’s Bank of Baroda in our Account in the favour of Ravikant Rankawat in Account No.: 01360100020347.
6. Boarding & Lodging facility will not be provided.
7. If you are interested in Practical classes (for internet & Correspondence) the facility is provided at our Jodhpur center for three days on extra fees rupees 500 (For Indian) & $ 50 (For foreign candidate).
8. Charges for instruments, literature, charts and books will be extra.

Main features of this course :
a) You can treat patients at home with fees or can start your self-centre.
b) You can get job/service in any naturopathy hospital or alternative treatment therapy clinic.
c) It can help you in (Medical) Alternative business.
d) You can help your family as well as others by treating them free of cost.
e) World health organization of Geneva has approved this system.
f) You can get award, if you work excellent in this field.

1. Definition
2. All the basics of Sujok Therapy
3. Advanced Sujok Therapy, sixth key

The payment should be made (In person or by courier/ Speed Post/ Registered Post) to the following address.
AAROGYA MANDIR, 315-316, Agarwal Tower, Sardarpura ‘B’ Road, Jodhpur-3, Rajasthan (INDIA)