
Stone Care Syrup (Urinary Tract Infection)

Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹300.00.

SKU: am stone care Categories: ,


Stone care Juice is a poly-herbal formulation that tends to resolve urinary problems. Stonecare by the virtue of its potent herbal extracts exerts corrective and preventive management in various urinary problems such as burning micturition, chaotic or turbid urine with occult blood and painful urination.Stonecare is a complete solution that not only normalises the deranged functioning of kidneys but also prevents the recurrence of urinary disorders thus protecting kidneys from recurrent infection and associated problems.



Stone care Juice is a poly-herbal formulation that tends to resolve urinary problems. Stonecare by the virtue of its potent herbal extracts exerts corrective and preventive management in various urinary problems such as burning micturition, chaotic or turbid urine with occult blood and painful urination.Stonecare is a complete solution that not only normalises the deranged functioning of kidneys but also prevents the recurrence of urinary disorders thus protecting kidneys from recurrent infection and associated problems.